Would a bargaining representative be able to change your level of satisfaction at work?
What Does Quid Pro Quo Mean in HR?
The term “quid pro quo” has been with us for a long time. It is Latin, and originally meant “something for something, or “a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something”. It’s embedded deep in Western culture, and can be seen in common phrases, such as “if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”. However, in the business world, particularly in HR, quid pro quo has come to mean something very specific: a particular type of sexual harassment.
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Whether you’re an aspiring HR professional or you regularly communicate with that department, the right words are crucial. Without the correct terms, it becomes impossible to communicate your message accurately. When communication breaks down, misunderstandings occur, and everything else tanks, too. In this post, we will walk through some of the most commonly unknown or misunderstood HR terms.
Commonly Confused HR Terms: Going Beyond the Jargon
Human resources (HR) is a highly-specialized field. And, while it is one of the most critical departments in any business, the terms and jargon used can make things even more confusing than they already are. In this article, we will explore some of the most commonly confused HR terms and acronyms to help you understand what they mean and communicate more effectively.