Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

[ɛmˈplɔɪi | əˈsɪstəns | ˈproʊˌɡræm]

This is a company-funded program which provides free, confidential, professional counselling services for both work and non-work-related issues. 

These can be problems caused by emotional and psychological stress, divorce or separation, work pressure, financial hurdles or any other form of issue causing work and morale to suffer. The money spent on EAP services can pay dividends of triple or more on lost time prevented. Employers usually add this funded program as part of their employee benefits scheme; it would be helpful for organizations to provide this program because it looks after employee’s well being, which will make employee’s feel that their employers care about them. 

Part of speech:
Use in a sentence:
Employers introduce an employee assistance program to support employees.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)