Sex Discrimination

[sɛks | dəˌskrɪməˈneɪʃ(ə)n]

Sex discrimination is the  unfair treatment given to an employee based on their  gender, pregnancy or sexual orientation.

Employers must ensure that policies are put in place in order to avoid discrimination within the workplace, each employee must feel included regardless of their sexual orientation or gender.

What protection you have as an employee by the law

Title VII of the Civil Rights Rights Law, prohibits employers from treating employees differently, or less favourably, based on their sex, which is defined  to include gender identity and sexual orientation. 

This law is also against employment decisions that are made based on stereotypes (which include untrue and unfair beliefs) about traits and abilities that are associated with gender. Additionally, Title VII is also against employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

How to prevent sexual discrimination in your organization

  • Respect cultural and racial differences in the workplace.
  • Be professional in conduct and speech.
  • Refuse to initiate, participate, or condone discrimination and harassment.
  • Implement policies that have zero tolerance towards sexual discrimination
  • Create a diverse working culture within the organization
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    Use in a sentence:
    Fight against sex discrimination.
    Sex Discrimination